Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management (B.A.)

Tomorrow University

Institution Tomorrow University Ort remote / online Abschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Weitere Studiengänge Social Entrepreneurship CSR Social Business Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement Startups CSR Management Degrowth


Online Bachelor’s Degree in Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management

With a fully-remote bachelor’s degree in Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management, you’ll graduate with the business development, management, and marketing skills to create the sustainable venture of the 21st-century. Take the entrepreneurial know-how you gain in the program to start your own business or run departments within larger companies.

Learning Designed for the Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow

  • Build your network in a diverse peer group of world-renowned mentors and lecturers who come from all over the world. You'll be learning from and mentored by entrepreneurs, founders, and established business professionals.
  • Learn skills and competencies to advance in your career or start your own business. Whether you have an idea or business plan you want to execute or need help to get started, this program is for you.
  • Your peers will come from all over the globe and a variety of backgrounds and expertise. You'll benefit from the diversity of knowledge and perspectives.

Drive Innovation & Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Through challenge-based learning, you will gain valuable skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur in today's changing world. Together with your cohort and under the guidance of experienced industry leaders, you’ll work through real-world challenges that you’ll find in your own future business. Your ideas aren’t too big — we need them.

Learn the Skills for a Better Tomorrow

With a shared ambition of learning and driving positive change at scale, we can change our future — and that of the world.

  • A challenge-based learning method that mirrors real-world business scenarios
  • Remote-first & part-time — learn from wherever you are whenever you want
  • Cohort-driven community with access to a professional lifelong network of peers and mentors

Program Outcome

Our Bachelors in Responsible Entrepreneurship & Management program provides an in-depth understanding of entrepreneurship and management in the modern business world. By diving deep into what it means to innovate in products, services and business models, learners gain the mindset and skills needed to understand the relevant market mechanisms, how to exploit new market opportunities and how to drive innovation responsibly and sustainably.

From sustainable business modeling, governance, communication, and resilience, you’ll learn how to exercise responsible leadership across key business domains such as brand building, marketing, finance, and business development. This Bachelors program sets graduates up not just for entrepreneurial success but also to create a meaningful, sustainable impact in the business world and society.

Impact-Driven Leadership: Developed skills in leading responsibly, ready to drive positive social and environmental change through strategic business innovations.

Advanced Strategic Thinking Abilities: Gained expertise in identifying opportunities and applying entrepreneurial thinking strategically across various scenarios.

Real-World Experience and Practical Skills: Acquired hands-on experience and practical know-how through projects, effectively applying academic knowledge in real-world settings.

Strategic Management Expertise: Prepared for impactful roles with a strong understanding of innovative business development, corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices, embodying a proactive changemaker's mindset.

Career Opportunities

Develop Products for Positive Impact - Ideate, develop and manage products, apps, and services that impact people’s lives meaningfully and contribute to positive environmental and societal change.

Build & Manage Sustainable Businesses - Become an innovative and conscious entrepreneur with the essential marketing and business management acumen to find and grow a sustainable business.

Sustainably Lead & Transform Organizations - Learn how to create and lead business solutions within an industry or organization, that are both innovative and sustainable.

Become a Growth Entrepreneur - Create lasting change in the world by addressing pressing social and environmental issues through innovative and scalable business solutions.


  • fully remote
  • part time or full time. av. 15h per week
  • one life online evening session per week (obligatory)
  • rest async and self paced
  • 180 ECTS - 36 months

Program Tuition Fees

Only version:

  • 180 ECTS - 36 Months
  • Pay in 36 installments* - 402,- per month
  • Pay in 60 installments* - 270,- per month

Total price after reductions:

  • 180 ECTS: Price: €14.500*

*after Scholarships & Early Application Benefit

Depending on payment modality further discounts are possible.


Admission Criteria

At Tomorrow University, we recognize that impactful leadership goes beyond standardized test scores (no GRE/GMAT required).

The eligibility criteria for the Bachelors include previous academic formation through a high school diploma or professional certificate as well as English proficiency. In addition, we value your purpose and the impact you aim to create, assessing how it aligns with our community.

The admissions process requires the following steps:

  • Eligibility check
  • Hand in a letter of motivation and additional information
  • Application review by ToU
  • Interview with ToU
  • Sign the contract


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